Our lead instructors deliver WebnArts addressing a variety of health and well-being topics that can benefit from the application of the Art of Jin Shin. WebnArts are 1-hour live web sessions, which may include interaction with the audience. 

The Jin Shin Guild endeavors to select topics that are of great interest to practitioners and students of the Art and that are timely in terms of responding to wide audiences’ learning desire to improve health and well-being. 

The list below will be constantly updated.

Title Date Instructor Fee Places Available Language Register
The mind wants do lock down, now what? 25.03.2023

How to secure the benefits from sleep? 29.04.2023

How to get hypertension out of the way? 27.05.2023

How to face the challenges of autoimmune conditions 24.06.2023

How to digest life and nurture the body? 29.07.2023

Ultime modifiche: martedì, 7 marzo 2023, 16:08