Research has indicated that the high stress levels of our society make information intake more challenging, sometimes even unpleasant, for our brains. Nowadays, information overload continues to compromise individuals’ cognitive ability to comprehend and process information while drastically reducing the attention span.


The nuggets of Art of Jin Shin are composed of self-directed, micro-learning content. They bring the knowledge about the Art in small units of knowledge to address a specific project or to simply enhance your health and well-being. Their granularity makes it easier to absorb and use the knowledge you gain. The nuggets are:


  • Small: short units of knowledge
  • Simple: apply what you learn right away
  • Useful: touch or gesture to address disharmony


Are you a practitioner of the Art and video-content producer? Would you like to contribute to the cross-fertilization of knowledge about the Art? The Jin Shin Guild is open to become a content curator to best serve the community of students and practitioners of the Art.  

 Become a contributor! Reach out to us. 

Type / Length Topic Description Link
Video/01:37'' What is the Art of Jin Shin? Wayne gives an introduction about the Art, talking about energy Play
Video/00:36'' Anxiety Reducing anxiety by holding the thumbs  Play
Video/01:58'' Digestion Digesting food and thoughts Play
Video/00:56" Immune System Enhancing the immune system and addressing fear Play
Video/00:49'' Stress  Reducing stress in life Play
Video/00:49'' Relationships Harmonizing relationships within and outside Play
Última modificación: lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023, 08:28