Art of Jin Shin

The Art of Jin Shin is an ancient art, an innate wisdom that harmonizes an individual’s spirit, mind, and body. Through use of simple hand placements, the vital life force responsible for animating and nurturing each of us is balanced. A sense of well -being is restored and uplifted. The Art can be practiced by anyone, at any time, and in any place.

Equally important, the Art of Jin Shin engages one in self-study and self-exploration. Involvement with the Art facilitates the discovery of answers to many of  life’s questions such as “who am I?” and “ why am I here?”

The Art of Jin Shin was rediscovered in Japan in 1912 by Jiro Murai. Murai was ill with what he believed to be a terminal illness. Alone in a mountain cabin preparing for his death, he sat in prayer and meditation. He held his fingers in postures he had seen in the depictions of Gautama Buddha. 

After some days, his illness disappeared miraculously. In his wonder and gratitude, Jiro fell to his knees and dedicated his life in search of the reason for his recovery. That search and research, which continued until his death in 1960, gave birth to what we know today as the Art of Jin Shin.

» The Art in its Simplicity